
Farmers Are Hacking Their Tractors Because of a Right to Repair Ban

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Название :  Farmers Are Hacking Their Tractors Because of a Right to Repair Ban
Продолжительность :   11.30
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Просмотров :   11 jt

Кадры Farmers Are Hacking Their Tractors Because of a Right to Repair Ban

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Коментарии Farmers Are Hacking Their Tractors Because of a Right to Repair Ban

Sakshi Gulati
How in the world did US manage to fuck up so bad? I never thought we even needed an act which allow us to repair what we own
Comment from : Sakshi Gulati

Samuel Ponce
Jhon Deere se está convirtiendo en Apple, solo que los agricultores no son como los usuarios de Apple, no se dejaran robar, deben estar firmes y si es posible reemplazarlos por otra marca
Comment from : Samuel Ponce

It's money grubbing is what it is Gatekeeping the ability to repair our machines in an attempt to make more money for themselves Gross
Comment from : SnufflySpy

Comment from : Mithrandir

Jaye Jay Curry
Back in the Great Depression farmers used to scavenge auto parts to build their own tractors Maybe you need to go back to being independent like that
Comment from : Jaye Jay Curry

Cope Jonsson
Jhon Deere 3000 & 4000 is peak
Comment from : Cope Jonsson

Edward McGee
John Deere will go belly up, now all they make is over priced junk
Comment from : Edward McGee

Lee Morgan
You should have a john deere riding mower the oil filter is $6000 only available from Deere and no aftermarket option
Comment from : Lee Morgan

Lee Morgan
Cars are going the aame direction technically you no longer own your Car or tractor anymore you only paid for the right to use it
Comment from : Lee Morgan

They don't make them how they used too (nowadays)
Comment from : the-agriculture-guy

We all know the solution buy Indian tractors that use open source software and hardware with almost 90 percent quality of the current stuff My estimate 100 million to make it happen in 3 categories 😮
Comment from : mrFalconlem

It’s what happens when corporations get too big for their own britches, they become parasitic by the way they devise ways to continually suck customers dry! They stick computers in everything and make things disposable! Constantly changing technology to force upgrades is another arm of greed!
Comment from : biking2cruze

el mundo esta llegando a ese punto en el que todas las cosas son como esos tractores nuevos ahora espero que cambie pronto, por que todo trae un sensor que si no les pagas a ellos por las cosas que diseñaron para que se rompan en un tiempo determinado no te van a funcionar
Comment from : eladioel1

Comment from : eladioel1

Now I understand why they call modern tractors are just computers with wheels
Comment from : nasss

Iulian-Casian Merce
9:07 Luis Rossmann in the background :D
Comment from : Iulian-Casian Merce

The little smiles he kept doing after basically every sentence about how fucced the corporations treat the farmers was hilarious
Comment from : Ghxsty

Erik Bongers
The nerve of that lobbyists to threateni to leave Nebraska if they dare to implement this
Comment from : Erik Bongers

Simon T
Every brand has a mishap or a bad line of products sometimebrFor John Deere you can recognize them by the yellow wheels
Comment from : Simon T

Paul Photios
Last year when the JD machines were taken by the Russians from Ukraine evidently there are hacks available in Ukraine to apply to the JD softwarebrAfter COVID local yard had many old bangers he could not get rid of Had visits from Indians and shri lankens wanting the old bangers Only criteria was no computer to send to either India or Shri Lanka brKubota America do some strange stuff as well so it is not only the green and yellow machines
Comment from : Paul Photios

NO, NO, NO, NO If you do this your cow will be ra*ed by hacker-repair-ofender!!!!brbrSTOP!
Comment from : Red007Master

As a Gamer I never felt such a relation to a farmer, its so stupid that people can't repair their own property Only to fill more profit to greedy Executives
Comment from : Brizzled

Hartford Sign Post
Are there different brands that can be bought that are not like this?brAlso, I'd like to be able to buy food without "round up" type chemicals in it toobrOur whole country is out of control, with a corrupt government and big business
Comment from : Hartford Sign Post

William Bell
To certain, this is America foundation of capitalism But in a more honest description, it is to hold on to power, why do other countries product tigner last longer than American products, not that other countries are better, no, We as Americans or in her system of consumption, around and around, and believe me if that bills you pass, give it time the big companies are already working on another strategy😢
Comment from : William Bell

Darrell Lang
We need to go back to old school as much as we can
Comment from : Darrell Lang

Louis Rossmann brought me here This is a big deal Go right to repair! Clearly the business model for these companies is to make money on repairs once your are a captive customer Next they will sell you a monthly subscription to let you start your engine!
Comment from : Batwam

Wayne Sardullo
I do not want to fully blame the farmers but to be honest, They allowed it to happen The one gentleman at the end said exactly what needs to be said The OLD tractors can still do a days work! Stop Spending money of Over priced Snake Oil
Comment from : Wayne Sardullo

Juan Gonzalez Rivera
Claro que existe la ley y no solo en USA es universal la ley de sobrevivir Si una empresa lo vende ya perdio el derecho de posesion Un ejemplo las trece colonias fueron obligadas por la misma situacion a declarar su posesion del territorio comercio independencia etc por que se les obligaba a pagar mas impuestos que no podian ya sostener lo mismo sucede con cualquier persona o granjero al que se le esclaviza tecnologicamente por empresas que abusan de su poder y se les olvida la historia de su propio pais de origen
Comment from : Juan Gonzalez Rivera

El deborador de hamburguesas
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 en vez de comprar una controladora del tractor que use el cableado y los componentes como una computadora programable que ya existe y a existio pero en fin las compañía es tonta y los agricultores aprenderan una lección no comprar tractores john dear
Comment from : El deborador de hamburguesas

Brian Turner
To HELL with John Deere !boycott them like GARBAGE AB Bud Light and there trash beerPut the hurt in there pockets
Comment from : Brian Turner

Brett Willborn Sr
So how do u claim that you still have rights to something you sold So that means John Deere and you own your tractor If that is the case They need to split the up keep and taxes with the farmer and the property it farms Hey we are in this together Right ? Bottom line I wouldn't buy farm equipment that does this to the farmer I would run older machines In turn it would create and aftermarket market to keep them going Way to much plastic on these newer machines
Comment from : Brett Willborn Sr

Dont buy their product simple
Comment from : Uxeys1K

Don't buy their crap
Comment from : Timesurfingalien

Greedy companies make things more complicated so customers buy more of their stuffbrJoke's on them if there's companies that don't
Comment from : Nox

Johnno Sawyer
Is it feasible for US farmers collectively to totally never buy a piece of John Deere equipment again, totally boycott them for new and replacement equipment I understand they are committed to equipment they already own or operate
Comment from : Johnno Sawyer

Juan Carlos Muñoz
Estupendo video! Gracias por publicar
Comment from : Juan Carlos Muñoz

Victor Seferidis
repair should be a right
Comment from : Victor Seferidis

Well look no further than the greed from corporate America After all why support repair of a product when you can gouge your customer for more money to buy a new item? Typical capitalism to the extreme Deere evidently forgot the America farmer made Deere a successful company
Comment from : Newjedi

Mohit Naik
Meanwhile me in my mahindra
Comment from : Mohit Naik

Vincent Eriksson
Good lord the greed the comapnies have
Comment from : Vincent Eriksson

I'm in the electronics business, have been for 39 years This is nothing new to us The $$$ this type of protectionist bullshit costs every single one of us is amazing Happens every day
Comment from : Larry

House Builder
This greed from these large companies always has a way of coming back to bite them Hard
Comment from : House Builder

stan Hudson
Pure and simple why I dumped my John Deere equipment and will never, NEVER EVER buy a Deere again
Comment from : stan Hudson

Net Loss Farms
This is why I use case ih
Comment from : Net Loss Farms

Fernando Yas
Don’t buy john deere ✔️
Comment from : Fernando Yas

John Tart
Get government to close down John Derre, the parts are made in china
Comment from : John Tart

Cassidy Couey
This is giving me more inspiration being a diesel mechanic to help people out
Comment from : Cassidy Couey

George Cass
That's what they get for buying a name and not the machine
Comment from : George Cass

Rodrigo Martínez
Creo que por estas causas son exitosas las marcas con tecnología minima Un ejemplo de esto es Pauny en Argentina
Comment from : Rodrigo Martínez

Itdont Matter
The fact they dont have a mobile repair option is insane it would cost a fraction of the cost to have a huge truck just pull up with everything needed instead of having to take the tractor to the dealership missed opportunity would save thousands in transportation for owners alone a year why are they not investing into this wtf
Comment from : Itdont Matter

Lee Webster
Stop buying John deere, find a manufacturer that sells diagnostic box for their product, you as farmers can make or break a company
Comment from : Lee Webster

Skeeter McGoo
we just won ?
Comment from : Skeeter McGoo

The government regulators are doing most of the fundamental engineering on cars, tractors and other equipment these days I'd be curious to know to what extent the government is requiring manufacturers to do all the repairs on equipment Insure it isn't polluting and such, y'know brbrThis has the odor of government regulation to me
Comment from : SeattlePioneer

Mike Cohan
Over complicating is the path we’ve gone down… and the climate mafia have spearheaded this garbage
Comment from : Mike Cohan

why stay with john deere ?
Comment from : DREX

Warren Karmun
🤔Got to give it to the farmers of Americabr Where there is a will , there is a way,no give up attitudebr They have to do what it takes to stay in the family tradition of farming😎
Comment from : Warren Karmun

Warren Karmun
🤔They should have never computerized the tractorbr Now they found a loop hole for farmers to bring their equipment to the dealership for minor fixes and the customer looses out on a couple grand which could have gone into something more productivebr Seems like in every aspect pf life we have to live with a loop hole that soaks your wallet to get quality servicebr Go figure😤
Comment from : Warren Karmun

Mr Nobody
John Deere is the only company I know of that's actively trying to push their customers to buy from their competitors
Comment from : Mr Nobody

Gary Helms
Tractors owners are left defenseless against these tractor companies and especially with the less than stellar moral values that they have proven to exhibit in the past It would not surprise me that they may build into their computer ware untraceable breakdowns to farmers tractors
Comment from : Gary Helms

Patrick Holt
So buy older equipment and fix it yourself got it
Comment from : Patrick Holt

Anne Jennings
Its been a few years… can you do an update video
Comment from : Anne Jennings

John Smith
All nwo control World communism is here Don't be deceived, we are screwed
Comment from : John Smith

Steven Smith
Until the situation is resolved Stop Buying new equipment
Comment from : Steven Smith

Don't buy that than
Comment from : JUST ME

They have the right to repair their tractorsA farmer cannot wait 3 months for his vehicle to be repaired + thousands $$$$ for a rip off part placement that cost 5$ to manufacturebrThis could mean 1 season lost!
Comment from : ChannelForFun

Juan Zuniga
That’s bs, how is any of this legal, I know why because America has become the most corrupt of the world
Comment from : Juan Zuniga

Oh look, its the thing farmers and pc enthusiasts fighting for
Comment from : INQIZZO

Tom Woehle
Move away from them it is called control with corporate greed
Comment from : Tom Woehle

Tony Bernetich
We own conventional IC cars in our household and I own a scanner to scan OBDII codes for problems and do my own repairs This proprietary bullshit with manufacturers ticks me off
Comment from : Tony Bernetich

Yak Eru
Working against the people producing your food Genius
Comment from : Yak Eru

Cant ban repairs, this government has no power to stop people repairing their own brEquipment
Comment from : ChiefCabioch

Transcended Soul
the globalists are still screwing us common folk with their corporatism's monopoly they need to be run out of the country
Comment from : Transcended Soul

Pro Fe
Here in eastern and southeastern europe I can "buy" a service advisor of John deere for 2000 to 3000 € and manage to look up the system on my john deere without waiting the dealer Also I can "buy" licence I think it's how the communinty stands and people trust each other thats how on this site of europe when somone from the west side says not possible, we now we will figure a way out and not deal with such problems
Comment from : Pro Fe

Idk why, I'm not a farmer nor do I own a machine, but how infuriating they have pulled this crap
Comment from : Fido

When complexity rises to a point durability suffers, technology no longer outweighs the benefits of performance and cost effectiveness I have witnessed this in my 39 years of hvac trade as a service technician, contractor and self employed owner The one gentleman made a point if the new tractors will be around as long as the old ones have? A quick NO is the answer The sensors, control actuators, transducers and microprocessors don't like vibration, heat, cold, humidity, dust, dirt and the list goes on that shortens their life span The process of making items obsolete is nothing more than guaranteed design for projected net sales and profitability Nothing wrong with that except the value vs time of use is getting too short HOw can anyone profit when your buying machinery and equipment continuously? Btw, we need less government not more Strange though, Apple, google, Meta/facebook, microsoft and the rest have purchased themselves into a pay for politician-play circle They have greedily forgot one thing, the small businesses that feed us and make choice of food purchases possible!
Comment from : mitch

This is why capitalism is bad! If you love capitalism you should THANK John Deer and support them! THAT is capitalism!
Comment from : ThatOneDude

Is John deere the only ones who make huge machines?
Comment from : kreep3r

Dave Davis
Colorado passed “Right to Repair” The Republican Party of Iowa is probably waiting for 2024, so they can take credit for helping farmers To answer the question of whether or NOT a 2023 combine or tractor will still work, in 2043, the answer is “I doubt it,” because of “Planned Obsolescence” embedded in the software
Comment from : Dave Davis

Brandon Contreras
I love how the official statement says that consumers should work together with manufacturers to come to a common ground rather than going to legislation The fact of the matter is every time that has been attempted, the manufacturers usually laugh them out of the building
Comment from : Brandon Contreras

You know damn well these farmers are gonna vote for the same people who passed these laws in the first place
Comment from : Gr8Vidz

WATCH my BOOTS SevenSixTwo
It's evil their code should be open source these are good hard-working Americans just trying to make a living and John Deere just wants to nickel-and-dime them to death just so you know, the John Deere green is for money
Comment from : WATCH my BOOTS SevenSixTwo

henry twigger
Farmers don't own tractors anymore, they hire agricultural contractors Agricultural contractors don't own tractors, they lease them form plant leasing companies, that's a financial service industry John Deere's customers are banks, not farmers brbr'The year's 2030, I own nothing and life hasn't been better' (for some people) Ida Auken, WEF
Comment from : henry twigger

I thought I was watching Modern Marvels
Comment from : Johnny

MilesBeats Live
John deere lost this one
Comment from : MilesBeats Live

Henry Sampson
We have nothing but John Deere Tractors on our farm The ironic thing is that the 1938 John Deere model B is still running yet our 6400 and 6430 we were told needed new transmissions We sent both Tractors to a dairy farm where for$1500 we got both Tractors fixed The dealer wanted $30,000 to replace the transmissions All it took was a solenoid and a screen cleaned This makes me not want a John Deere If they would fix them yesterday at a reasonable price, okay but when you have to wait weeks, give me a Case
Comment from : Henry Sampson

Planned obsolescence really destroyed machines in America Vehicles and appliances our grandparents used still work But the ones our parents used are sitting in landfills
Comment from : HighWarlordJC

TJ Marx
Same is true for electric vehicles, white goods, consumer appliances You can't even fix a toaster yourself anymore because they stick proprietary software on them None of this junk lasts brbrRight to repair isn't far enough Right to repair just means they'll recoup those profits by making products that break even easier so you have to purchase parts more often brbrRight to repair only works if it's combined with minimum manufacturing quality standards and increased statutory warranty
Comment from : TJ Marx

reg inald
Why keep supporting them? Nothing green left on my farm, not even a push mower anymore
Comment from : reg inald

"Customers, dealers, and manufacturers should work together on the issue rather than invite government regulation"brAlright, so you can SEE that this has become such an issue for your customers that they're wanting the government to step in So what are you going to start DOING ABOUT IT so customers are happy with your product and don't feel the need to get the government involved?
Comment from : Reive

So basically John Deere is saying a big FU to farmers of America They do not have the best interest of the farmers in mind It's exactly the oppositebrIs there an alternative to John Deere?
Comment from : Reive

all you folks in electric cars will suffer the same fate
Comment from : mage1413

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