
13. The Assyrians - Empire of Iron

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Название :  13. The Assyrians - Empire of Iron
Продолжительность :   3.05.25
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Просмотров :   13 jt

Кадры 13. The Assyrians - Empire of Iron

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Коментарии 13. The Assyrians - Empire of Iron

Chillmatic Cinematic
Amazing documentary Same for you Sumer and Nabataea videos Will you ever do one for Babylonia?
Comment from : Chillmatic Cinematic

Daniel Blackburn
What you should have said, “I may never acknowledge the truth” of what happened led to the destruction of the Assyrian army… Not fanciful, just beyond your level of faith
Comment from : Daniel Blackburn

Ryan Farnsworth
You ever consider using trained actors for your readings? Cause I’m 100 available and you don’t have to pay me
Comment from : Ryan Farnsworth

Elvis L
Amazing! Please continue with the wonderful work you do! ❤
Comment from : Elvis L

Faedra Constantinou
Very revealinG article
Comment from : Faedra Constantinou

Bostown Ent
He was a Narwhal It’s a real whale with a horn like a unicorn
Comment from : Bostown Ent

Syrthdr09 Sybr
It's funny to think how Xenophon was fascinated by those ruins, and now his own civilization lies in ruins as well
Comment from : Syrthdr09 Sybr

Tuff Mbassador
The sad Truth is that one day our descendants will watch a fall of civilisations episode about us or it will be aliens watching it
Comment from : Tuff Mbassador

David Todd
Stumbled upon your channel after looking up something about Catalhoyuk, and glad I did The Sumerian episode kept me enthralled all day while working in the garden Wanted to be an archaeologist as a teenager, but bad career advice dissuaded me Anyway, worked in landscape design and construction most of my life I dig holes, but never find anything, I say Still, anything related to construction fascinates me, and your mention that the Sumerians used bricks with bitumen as mortar is interesting Where did they get the bitumen? Because I remember the Dead Sea was once referred to as Lake Ashphalites because of the ashphalt(bitumen?) that naturally surfaced there I was wondering if there was trade going on with this product at that time because of its qualities, especially for waterproofing? Anyway, thanks for sparking my schoolboy imagination back to life Cheers!
Comment from : David Todd

Robert Waguespack
This end explains why Tobit had his son leave Nineveh so soon after his death
Comment from : Robert Waguespack

Why was Hezekiah shown as a caucasian when by any account he would be of negroid descent?
Comment from : Edword

The more I learn about anthropology the more I hate my own species
Comment from : |KYE|SickHead

Jeremiah Mann
Great video but the inca did not build those megalithic structures You even said yourself that they were a bronze age culture so how can copper and bronze chisels cut GRANITE on a hardness scale of 7 and copper is 3 Inconsistency
Comment from : Jeremiah Mann

Amine Haider
I hope you have read the book from ibn khaldoun as he layed out how civilizations raise and fall
Comment from : Amine Haider

Loay Omari
It is very cute how you added Israel there in history … while we all know that started 1948
Comment from : Loay Omari

Mustspha Matto
Ironically which is seldom to expect from created ones to tell the truth I got that from a western historian that Assyria was the real terrorists although nowadays assyrians are Christians one would think he therefore would cover the truth but yet he put it that assyrians a vicious lot
Comment from : Mustspha Matto

Rebelle Fleur
This is crazy most of assyrians assimilated today They considered as arab now
Comment from : Rebelle Fleur

Thank you
Comment from : LeoCesar

Just Omar
Thank you, as Iraqis this is the most detailed documentary I’ve ever seen There’s something magical about the bonds with this land that still draws me even after leaving for years still feels my roots speaks to me, difficult to explain but it’s there
Comment from : Just Omar

This is a top tier documentary! Much appreciation
Comment from : Anthony

11:51 the topography of the desert is a woman's face!
Comment from : angelvee07

Do you know what happened to ASSYRIA from 4350-4200bc after the fall of Shinar empire in 4230bcbr? Well in Ezekiel this begins the rise of empires: 1stELAM 4229-2700bc; 2ndKUSH(Akkad)2700-2100b;, 3rdMESHECH(Americas)- 3600-1500bc; 4thTUBAL(Atlai) 3596-1596bc; 5thMEZRAIM 3150-300bc; ASSYRIA-ii(Nineveh) 2100-600bc; TROY(Sea people) 1200-1100bc, these Thracians founded the various Tyre, Tyrios, Tripoli cities found across the sea(medit) All this is from the histories in EZEKIEL And all these came later: (Babylon: 600-500bc under Hettite; Mitanni; Kassites (Kasdim); PERSIA 500s-333bc; MACEDON(Hellas) 333-90bc; Seleucia became(Slevokia) LATIN-500bc-ad800s
Comment from : Rafael

Thank you for this video I have question Was the rise of the Assyria in direct response to the Shinar empire of Nimrod, and therefore were freedom fighters?
Comment from : Rafael

Comment from : igor

Dorita M
Comment from : Dorita M

Gaetan A Cincire
Yeah, surebut today, they are   great dandelion root eaters, right ?
Comment from : Gaetan A Cincire

Gaetan A Cincire
Nothing's change, egos stil ruleslol !
Comment from : Gaetan A Cincire

Victoria Costales
This is brilliant Kudos to the team
Comment from : Victoria Costales

Hae-jung Alicia KOH
Comment from : Hae-jung Alicia KOH

Hae-jung Alicia KOH
Comment from : Hae-jung Alicia KOH

I really want to visit these sites I want to see if I can trigger some more memories that aren't about cults and monarch mind control
Comment from : AU II

Paul Lindorfer
Amazing Documentary, thank you for your research!
Comment from : Paul Lindorfer

katherine hughes
Wonderful content Thank you so much for all of your efforts These are such a lovely mix of socio-economic classes and their diverse history I always feel a weight when we hear of armies and I realize they were made up of individuals with families and stories of their own that we will never know
Comment from : katherine hughes

1:45:00 - SnackyRibs had no appetite
Comment from : SomethingElse

Andrew Hatfield
This old fortress was mentioned in multiple documents describing it as surrounded by a wall, with a tower, near the Missouri River Old world for sure but was seen by European explorers before its destruction I bet the underground inside the hill is extensive
Comment from : Andrew Hatfield

Maverick 78
Extremely too much better that watch history channel or national geography
Comment from : Maverick 78

John Raynor
Comment from : John Raynor

I can not express how much I thoroughly enjoyed this documentary Thank you so much for the work that you put into this production I can't wait to watch the rest of your content
Comment from : creatingWithCode

Edna Silva
And, have?😊 And my name
Comment from : Edna Silva

Terry Jacob
An interesting aside; the Assyrians were the first people to use crucifixion as a a capital punishment
Comment from : Terry Jacob

Comment from : PlaviStrumf

Ben Gordon
one day we will be studied like this by a future narrator ,, fields of old mines and bones dug up and analyzed ,, they will say we loved to be cannon fodder and kill others in the period of Putin !!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment from : Ben Gordon

ian Hurley
Curious if Essarhaddon's chronic illness as reported here has been evaluated against symptoms of heavy metal poisoning Heavy metal salts add color to glazings of cooking and eating implements, and have been implicated in reduced fecundity of the Roman elite Royals of the 6th - 8th centuries BCE may have been among the early users of these vessels
Comment from : ian Hurley

Brian Stone
Eh, it's ok I guess It's fiction history mingled with fact
Comment from : Brian Stone

Daniel M
It sounds like the Greeks were defeated and all their generals killed; Cyrus was also killed, and they were on retreat from the army that had defeated them Cyrus didn't get his money's worth; he got killed in the first encounter with his enemies instead of being protected Did Greek historians ever report a fair and square defeat of Greek armies? I mean, eventually, the Romans crush them fairly easily and the Romans themselves get defeated many many times by Persians and Parthians
Comment from : Daniel M

Market socialist
The late bronze age collapse is kind of like human civilizations version of the permian mass extinction event a mass destruction of entire settled and successful societies by the majority allowing the remaining survivors free reign to to rise up and fill the new open niches giving rise to the (iron age humanity/Mesozoic for earth) eras It's kind of funny how some things in history work in such great sync with eachotherbrbrEven better is that they were both likely caused by climate change lol
Comment from : Market socialist

Noel Capo
i am assyrian or maybe salvadreno
Comment from : Noel Capo

Norma Sequeira
Me podrían informar qué sucedió con los tesoros y elementos asirios encontrados en las excavaciones arqueológicas? El zigurat fue recontrido? Gracias
Comment from : Norma Sequeira

Jeremy Horne
I see in this the fate of the US, with all the misery it has wreaked on the world and countries coming together to put a stake in the heart of this vampire
Comment from : Jeremy Horne

Raja Kc
Fate of USA will be same
Comment from : Raja Kc

2:10:50br“I took my pleasure in reading stones inscribed before the flood”brbrAs in Noah’s flood
Comment from : BewareTheCarpenter

Mark Maged
Deep thank you for the high quality videos ❤
Comment from : Mark Maged

peter kerruish
Comment from : peter kerruish

Christine Martin
This channel is a gem! Whoever produced this series is a pro I can hardly wait to watch at lunchtime each day Bra---vo, people!
Comment from : Christine Martin

Cathleen Weston
I watch ALOT of history and I really like the way you do it
Comment from : Cathleen Weston

Great show reminds me of today 5reasons rome fell
Comment from : T N

It's funnyas a kid, I remember being bored, learning the stuff for tests, not bc I was interested in the ancient world, or a branch of my ancestry That being said, I was just realizing that what he is talking about were the 'City-States' that I never gave any thought to when I was 16 This is another beautifully produced and narrated vid by FoCmy new favorite channel
Comment from : AllHopeAbandon

Scott smith
Wow,, so Nebuchadnezzar was just a commoner! Not even royal blood! Crazy!
Comment from : Scott smith

Damn 🤯 3 hours on ancient civilizations on a low budget but with amazing quality This beats any steaming subscription, cable, and certainly TV
Comment from : Issac

Hannah Baxter
What a total wanker doing that to elephants Uch humans
Comment from : Hannah Baxter

John Eli
Anyone know the name of the background music at 5:42 ??
Comment from : John Eli

What is the music at 8:23
Comment from : Zayanaya

Andrey S
Amazing video Better than any movie This is gold!
Comment from : Andrey S

richard martyn
Astonishingthank you
Comment from : richard martyn

Great story The only issue I have is not much is said about Assyrian-Egyptian wars and Egypt's own civil war that extended the life the Assyrian Empire and was the real end of ancient Egyptian civilization It's an ugly story with the bad guys actually winning but it is a story that should be told because a united Egypt would not only been able to defend itself against Assyria It might have actually been able to defeat Assyria 50 years before it finally fell A similar scenario with the Medes gathering Assyria's enemies could have happened if the northern Egyptians had not betrayed their own Pharaoh and he was able to put the full might of the Egyptian/Kushite army against Assyria instead of constantly having to garrison northern Egyptian cities
Comment from : juliansmulian

Zahra Alammehrjerdi
We love Assyrians Obviously in our country IRAN, they became a basis for establishing the Persian Empire (the first global empire) in 2500 years ago I hope they can restore their language and civilization in their home lands (Syria and Iraq and in Iran as well) We have many Assyrians in Iran
Comment from : Zahra Alammehrjerdi

scott street
So remarkably detailed, your research is so in depth and gives us a real living glimpse of what life was like in these ancient times So enjoyable and educative Thank you Paul, keep up this great work
Comment from : scott street

I must have watched this a half a dozen times and to me at least, it represents the best of what history can offer us The beginning, the greatness and finally the pathos of peoples long gone fill me with emotionbrThank you
Comment from : hyperiontheevil

Sumerian King
The story of ancient Iraq will complete with the story of Babylon What a beautiful mankind story
Comment from : Sumerian King

Flambeaux Fire
This is a friggin incredible achievement of a documentary Finally I understand
Comment from : Flambeaux Fire

Viid al
انتم مطايه مخلين بخلفيت الفيديو زقوره عيلاميه بأيران والفيديو يتحدث عن الاشوريون 😂😂
Comment from : Viid al

I learned about an entire empire today thank you
Comment from : mahomy1000

Comment from : L

Benjamin Stubblefield
The rings around the Grand Canyon say that the last drought this severe was 1,200 years ago
Comment from : Benjamin Stubblefield

This is the kind of history documentary I dearly miss Detailed but never dry
Comment from : Uldihaa

Benjamin Stubblefield
1 of the basic laws of Physics is: “Evaporation is the cooling process” They put water on the floor to evaporate The larger the surface of the water, the more cool Oxygen is released I will give you 1 of the hundreds of solutions The Lord gave me, but man squelched A large body of water is coolant Large Solar powered fans, blowing on the surface will cause constant evaporation and the fan’s constant blowing a stream of cool air inland may be the only way to cool the land until normal Weather resumes
Comment from : Benjamin Stubblefield

In all of this horror, it is only the lions' faces and the horses' bones that really move me People deserve one another, other animals just don't
Comment from : KandR

Niall Pumfrey
Amazing video
Comment from : Niall Pumfrey

who knew the ancient greeks used the metric system
Comment from : Vonn

Ricky Rojas
In the bible tell the real reasons and this documentary proves them The book of Nahum talks about the punishment of jehova to them
Comment from : Ricky Rojas

Lex Edmonds
I would like to know where you found some of the artwork for this video
Comment from : Lex Edmonds

Intel Six
I watched all three hours of this Every minute of it was amazing
Comment from : Intel Six

I watched this before in another upload
Comment from : R K

daniel mbwambo
Assyrian and Babylonian empires were never in Iraq, we know how Caucasians created history for themselves it is a well made video though and you deserve credit
Comment from : daniel mbwambo

David Vasey
This is your masterpiece
Comment from : David Vasey

Maurice Calliss
Surely there would be weapons that could be used to identify seapeoples in the archeology record
Comment from : Maurice Calliss

Maurice Calliss
Pre civilization the gods dwelled upon earth and had their own assestations with their own people's whome they ruled over all that we have now is people's 're emulating the past existences of these gods realms so it makes sence that each city OR areas have their own gods
Comment from : Maurice Calliss

cassie fisher
Thank you Soo much I love this learned a lot and your voice very soothing
Comment from : cassie fisher

Jonno Plays
When he says he rebuilt the foundation structure of the city of Babylon That seems like a huge undertaking I'd be curious to hear more details of the construction
Comment from : Jonno Plays

Jonno Plays
Best channel on YouTube 👌 💯
Comment from : Jonno Plays

Theresa Williams
I absolutely love the hostory of the world, and have always had an interest in the middle eastern historybrMy husband is Australian Aboriginal and his ancient culture is extremely old and fascinatingbrThis doco was awesome and thanks from an aussie couple
Comment from : Theresa Williams

Bruno Giovannini
This documentary is a masterpiece Congratulations
Comment from : Bruno Giovannini

tyler lane
Okay so what we learned is make sure Babylon stays a ruin otherwise they are going to revolt against you
Comment from : tyler lane

rodger pierce architect
…my physics and calculus teacher was Iranian …a real sweetheart
Comment from : rodger pierce architect

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